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Approximate times of some of the most commonly reported geomagnetic excursions of the Brunhes Normal Polarity Chron.
Highlighted excursions are those most likely to be found in the western U.S.
Possible correlations of these to a sketch of the relative paleointensity curve of Guyodo and Valet (1999) are suggested.
VADM = virtual axial dipole moment.
Vertical dashed line is the critical value of intensity below which Guyodo and Valet (1999) consider several directional excursions to have occurred.
Source: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-187, "Preliminary Paleomagnetic Results from the Coyote Creek Outdoor Classroom Drill Hole, Santa Clara Valley, California" by Edward A. Mankinen and Carl M. Wentworth. http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2003/of03-187/of03-187.pdf
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Approximate times of some of the most commonly reported geomagnetic excursions of the Brunhes Normal Polarity Chron. * Highlighted excursions are those most likely to be found in the western U.S. * Possible correlations of these to a sketch of